mercredi 17 octobre 2012

Grilled Sea-Bream my way

The best way to eat fish is either grilled or raw  (my humble opinion ). The French tend to destroy the flavours with a tendency to put all sort of sauces on them ....good historical reasons ...and though habits are changing, the old ones seem to stick ....


1 sea-bream per head  (unless you fancy sharing )
Some salt
Fresh ginger
A smidgeon of either olive or sesame oil
A bit of cheap white wine

Got those from the local fisherman , off his boat

First scale it ( i use a big knife inside a plastic bag to avoid too many scales jumping everywhere and clogging my sink...I also use a pair of tough scissors to cut off the offending and prickly fins )

Then once I took the insides out, I make big cuts across , like so , in which I will rub in some salt and insert some fresh ginger strips

Here the fresh ginger being cut into stripes once peeled

Use the remaining strips to fill the inside cavity

my fish is ready to be cooked using a griddle pan in which i just put a smidgeon of sesame oil , just enough to wet the pan

you will need to turn them often as they cook to avoid sticking

We are lucky to have some cooking facility just outside our kitchen , so that any fish cooking , whether it be "plancha" , barbecue, or griddle pan , we do not need to live with the cooking smell inside the flat for days .......

Cooking nicely ...Turn often , and when beginning to stick a bit , sprinkle a couple of times with white wine ...just enough to to make it sizzle ....

To serve with butter rice ( will soon write an easy recipe for butter rice ...) and whatever greens you have : today I steamed  cooked some french beans  al dente , which I just salted with a fresh lemon squeeze .....

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