lundi 15 octobre 2012

Hijiki rice


Simmered Hijiki ingredients 

  • 1/4 cup hijiki (dried)
  • 1 small carrot
  • 1 Tablespoon vegetable oil
  • 1 cup dashi 
  • 2 Tablespoons mirin
  • 1 Tablespoon sugar
  • 2 Tablespoons soy sauce
  • 3 or 5 dried shitake mushroom ( rehydrated ) 

Rehydrate the mushroom well in advance (and you can use some of the water to cook the carrots and hijiki 
Rehydrate the hijiki in water until tender (follow instructions on package). 
Cut the carrots in thin stripes. 
After the hijiki is rehydrated, drain of excess water.

In a sauce pan saute the carrots until color changes or until the texture changes. Add to the pan the hijki  and the rehydrated mushrooms  and saute for about 2 minutes.

Add dashi, mirin, sugar, and soy sauce.

Simmer until most of the liquid dissipates. As it is simmering taste the broth and adjust flavours as you like.
Add the frozen peas in the last minutes 

Separately you will have cooked some japanese rice ( see my separate post for japanese rice )  which you will then turn into Sushi rice  which you do by adding sweet rice vinegar  while fanning the hot rice , preferably in a "sushi oke " , the wooden container you can see in the pic 

when the sushi rice is ready , add the hijiki mixture , making sure that any excess liquid is strained off 
eat warm , with a nice 'gen mai cha" , my favourite tea 

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